Sunday, September 07, 2008

Life at the moment

There isn't really room to breathe right now. School has started both in terms of working and attending. I'm taking two classes because I'm crazy. I have late evenings monday through thursday and I haven't had time to write at all because my free time involves homework and sleep. Not happy about that, but I do like my classes. I do have to say that Spanish is easy, but that's just me.

On another note, something happened that doesn't happen very often. I was contacted by a guy from a free dating site and we struck up a conversation. He seems nice enough, but my internal warning bells are going off because of my previous experience with guys online. I'm afraid of liking anyone I meet online too much because I had an experience with a cyberpath I will not forget. He did a number on me and then cut and run. I would be down on myself and say that I was a sucker, but I think many people because they believe in the basic goodness of others would have had the same experience I had. Perhaps one day I will go into detail but not today.

So, this guy is nice and we really do click both online and on the phone, but I don't want to think too much of it or him right now. I feel like a kicked dog who sees feet coming. Because we really click, I find myself analyzing whether I think he's trying so hard to say the right things or if he's being himself. Am I trying that hard to draw parallels to the debacle of 2002 or am I making the comparison out of fear?

What I know is that I can't live life constantly thinking about scars from someone who got his jollies from hurting me. I've picked myself up and kept going, but I know that I'm different now. I've thoroughly reasoned this out to some extent. I've been talking to the guy from the site for a couple of weeks and I realize that I don't have the same feelings I had with the person before. I don't feel this sense of being on top of the world like you would with someone with a character disorder, just a feeling of comfort and the warm fuzzies.

Now, how do I turn off this damn alarm?